Sunday, November 16, 2014

Blog post #13

In this blog our directions were to create a blog pertaining to our area of study: elementary ed, secondary ed, special ed, history, science, etc. that we think our teacher should include for the next class. 

How will you explain to students why they have to learn?

Students often wonder why they have to learn: "Why do I have to learn about something that's already happened?" "When am I ever going to use the quadratic formula outside of school?" "Why do I need to know the bond between Sodium and Chlorine?" or "Why do I need to know the parameter Shakespeare used?" After looking at all the materials provided below, answer and explain the driving question. 

1. Why We Learn Science? by Untamed Science
Andy Griffith's Edition of the American Revolution just for fun and entertainment but with a good message. 


Students often wonder why they have to learn things that they believe they will not use during their everyday lives. This is a question that should be answered and reinforced throughout their school career. Students don't usually know what they want to be going through school, so giving students a survey of lessons will help through out their lives. 

Students explain how things work. Science is constantly changing. You are able to problem solve, collect data, change your views on things, and drawing conclusions. Science allows us to view the world differently, allows us to understand the world better, and also solve the problems of the world. 

Math is one of those subjects that student often wonder why they are learning formulas and theorems. In general, math is useful in all areas of life. Students will need the math to learn creating and designing and precise measurements for jobs in architecture and engineering. They will interpret data on Wall Street and in the medical field. Basic math skills are used for budgeting and financing. Students will learn percents which will be very useful (especially for girls) while shopping and leaving tips at restaurants. While some students will already have credit cards, they will later need home loans and the dreaded student loans. Students don't realize that math is all around them from the desk they sit in to the rotation of Earth around the sun. 

Reading will help you find "your own truth within something else." Not only can we learn about another time we can project ourselves into the lives of the past. Students can learn the art of speaking. This will help in those that will be speaking publicly or writing for public view. Also remember without English, we would be grunting and pointing like cave men. 

History is the basis of all things. Without our future generations learning what has happened in the past, history will repeat itself. At least with the knowledge of what has happened in the world, our future presidents and law-makers will be more equipped to change their approach to problems. Students need to know history because history tends to repeat itself: Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in 1989, the BP Oil Spill in 2010, the Stock Market Crash of 1929,  then the Crash of 2008. History and Literature are very similar in the way they both allow us to appreciate multiple views and helps sharpen our critical thinking skills. History helps us apply events from the past to the current issues and helps us to analyze and solve problems. 

So how will I explain to my students why they have to learn what they are learning? I would like to begin my semester by getting to know my students; possibly with an open discussion or a survey (that includes what they want to be). Or I can open the class with this very question, to get the students take on things. By including the students opinions, you can get a sense of how most students feel about learning. By knowing what the students want to be, I will be able to apply the lesson to their professions.