a search engine for people looking for jobs. It provides job openings, the job description, the requirements for said job, and the application or the number to send your resume. You can search by job titles, location, and/or company name. The site is very easy to use and can be accessed from anywhere from library computers to smartphones.
Lexis Nexis Academic- a search engine for those interested in law or current events. This site provides newspapers, law reviews, and state and federal cases. This search engine will be useful for law, history, political science students and teachers. This site is fairly easy to use, but you must be a student or teacher who's school has a subscription to Lexis Nexis Academic. If this is true then you will find it on the school's library website. At the University of South Alabama we have Jag numbers. We put in our Jag number and there is a time limit of 30 minutes. You can search everything from the first newspaper to the current ISIS issue. This search engine can be used by anyone, especially people looking to solve math equations. I searched the term 'quadratic formula' and it brought me to a page where I put in my numbers and it solved the problem and give you the answer, but it doesn't show how it got the answer. So if you are looking to check your answer this is a good place to come. with this search engine anyone can search anything. You can search for search engines. You can search for people, books, and more. Use of this search engine is very easy; you just search what ever you want and it will bring up many results. this search engine does not track you. It's layout is very similar to google;however, it is capable of placing the answer on the first page. It also helps you to clarify your question being asked. This site can be used by anyone for any reason. It is very simple to use. This search engine is one that is useful for everyone from non users to experts in computers and technology. It can be used for searching terminology and for self-teaching of the computer. I searched 'What is RAM?' and the definition was 2nd on the list. this search engine can be useful for people wanting to learn new things. It has "how-to" videos from note-taking to Kim Kardashian butt workouts. Although you can't enter it into a search box, you can browse through the videos by category. This is very simple to use because it is categorized and they have pictures.
Your search engine post is really expansive. Monster is great for searching for jobs. I know it helped me so much when I was searching for a job. Great post!